Sunday 24 January 2016


A fairy came by tonight 
To ask my wish when I die 
Her site made me mesmerised
I blurted out after a gasp and a deep sigh 
O my fairy, please hear my plea
Erase the memories and set me free
For this birth was a difficult one 
And I want it all to be finished and done 
O my fairy don't let me carry 
All the pain, the regrets and the fury
The misunderstandings and the accusations 
They made me cry and worry 
O my fairy please do me a favor
In the next birth please give me a friend
a friend who would be with me till the very end
Who wouldnt let me be alone ever
Who would hold my hand and never let me cry
O my fairy, in the next birth don't make me a butterfly, 
Who can flutter her wings but is forbidden to fly...

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