Thursday 27 December 2012

Rendezvous with a Honey Bee

Sitting in the cab back home from work, just when I was thinking life is so boring I heard a buzzing sound reverberating across my right ear. Scared as I was of that sound I turned my head slight uncomfortably in the direction of creator of the buzz. Not more than 15 cms from by gaze was a honey bee. Looking this deeply into the eyes of the bee it appeared to be a gigantic monster about to gobble me with one flicker of its tongue. I squirmed uncomfortably on the seat trying to go as far from the bee as possible and probably from its venomous sting that could paralyze me. But then again as luck had stored in for me, it suspected my move and started buzzing in rhythm of my movement. I hadn't ever thought honey bees could read mind, since some of my movements were so much as a part of my brain rather any physical movement but still it seemed to sense them.

Scared and paralyzed with fear my throat seemed to have lost the voice and alongwith it the shriek that when allowed to come, must have crossed a mile.

Finally it lifted its tiny wings and started fluttering them. The act scared me more than a surprise test scaring a child. I moved my hand to turn the handle and open the window sill to let it out, but sensing my thoughts that mind reading monster of a bee fluttered and flied, not away but in the front of the cab, and settled peacefully on the window pane. It seemed satisfied with the achievement of scaring a giant that day.